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Tran Thi Anh Thu, Trinh Viet Dung: Motivations of Senior Tourists in Outbound Package Tour.. In proceedings of 2019 China Marketing International Conference - Globalization 2.0: China and the World Market. ISBN 2357-1918. Asian Business Association (December 2019). [Pub ID : #4138]
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Trinh Viet Dung, Nguyen Thai Son: Why Do Customers Pay for Online Entertainment Services? Empirical Data from an Emerging Market.. In proceedings of 2019 China Marketing International Conference - Globalization 2.0: China and the World Market. ISBN 2357-1918. Asian Business Association (December 2019). [Pub ID : #4137]
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Trinh Viet Dung: CONSUMERISM CULTURE IN URBAN VIETNAM.. In proceedings of NIDA International Business Conference 2019. ISBN 978-616-482-005-0. NIDA Business School (March 2019). [Pub ID : #3666]
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Pham Thuong Quan, Trinh Viet Dung: Sexual Orientation Disclosure at Work Among LGB Employees in Vietnam. In proceedings of Asia Conference on Business and Economics Studies. ISBN 978-604-922-660-1. Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House of Economics (September 2018). [Pub ID : #3589]
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Nguyen Thi Hoang Ngan, Trinh Viet Dung: Finding a suistanable solution for the fate of lottery peddlers in a changing market. In proceedings of 9th NEU-KKU International Conference on Socio-Economic and Enivornmental Issues in Development. ISBN 978-604-65-3529-4. Labour - Social Publishing House (June 2018). [Pub ID : #3323]
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Tran Minh Anh, Nguyen Manh Duc, Trinh Viet Dung: Using The Theory of Planned Behavior to explore consumer perception towards dietary supplements to treat diabetes in provincial Vietnam: A Research Agenda.. In proceedings of Scientific Research Results For Training. ISBN 978-604-67-1032-5. Science and Technics Publishing House (December 2017). [Pub ID : #3164]
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Duyen Anh Doan, Thao Ly Le, Trinh Viet Dung: Premium Marketing Strategy for Son Doong Cave: An Experimental Approach.. In proceedings of Scientific Research Results For Training. ISBN 978-604-67-1032-5. Science and Technics Publishing House (December 2017). [Pub ID : #3163]
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Nguyen Que Tien, Trinh Viet Dung, Bao Han Nguyen: The success and failure of affordable luxury strategy for Low-Cost-Carriers. In proceedings of Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2017. Curtin University (May 2017). [Pub ID : #2865]
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Trinh Viet Dung, Nguyen Que Tien, Tran Chau: Conspicuous consumption as a remedy for loneliness.. In proceedings of Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2017. Curtin University (May 2017). [Pub ID : #2864]
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Nguyen Que Tien, Trinh Viet Dung, Ngoc Kieu Ngan Dong : How different genders perceive and are motivated to buy luxury brands.. In proceedings of Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2017. Curtin University (May 2017). [Pub ID : #2863]