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148 results

101 Nguyen Hoang Huy, Do Vinh Truc, Duong Quan Ha: Apply Fuzzy Weighted Goal Programming in Sustainable Sugar Supply Chain: A case study of Thanh Thanh Cong Company Viet Nam. In proceedings of The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. ISBN 978-986-93997-0-8. (December 2016). [Pub ID : #2732]
102 Nguyen Hoang Huy, Do Vinh Truc, Dao Phuong Thao: Design the Value Stream Mapping for the Green Manufacturing A Case Study: Scancom Vietnam Limited Company. In proceedings of The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. ISBN 978-986-93997-0-8. (December 2016). [Pub ID : #2731]
103 Tran Duc Huan, Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc: Car Rental Optimization under Effect of Upgrade Policy. In proceedings of The 17th APIEMS 2016 Asian Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. (December 2016). [Pub ID : #2719]
104 Dao Vu Truong Son, Nguyen Anh Quang, Nguyen Hoang Dung, Takeharu Goji Etoh: . Towards 10 Giga-Frame per Second: Evaluation of temporal resolution of the Multi-Collection-Gate Image Sensor Family.. In proceedings of 2016 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2016). (July 2016). [Pub ID : #2685]
105 Nguyen Anh Quang, Kazuhiro Shimonomura, Dao Vu Truong Son, Yoshinari Kamakura, Takeharu Goji Etoh: Crosstalk Analysis of an Image Sensor Operating At 1 Gfps.. In proceedings of 2016 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2016). (July 2016). [Pub ID : #2684]
106 Ha Thi Xuan Chi, Do Hoang Ngoc Trinh: Supplier selection by using AHP- TOPSIS and Goal progamming: A case study in Casumina rubber company Vietnam.. In proceedings of 2016 The 3th International conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications. (April 2016). [Pub ID : #2483]
107 Nguyen Hoang Huy, Dao Phuong Thao: AN INTEGRATION OF CLUSTER- BASED OPTIMIZATION APPROACH IN CAPACITATED VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM WITH TIME WINDOWS: CASE STUDY OF THO PHAT COMPANY, VIETNAM.. In proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference. (December 2015). [Pub ID : #2649]
108 Vo Quynh Mai, Mai Hong-Vo: Impacts of Logistics Performance on Customer Repurchase Intention in B2C Transactions: The Moderating Role of Post-Purchase Service. In proceedings of APIEMS 2015. (December 2015). [Pub ID : #2313]
109 Do Vinh Truc: An Integer Linear Programming for Examination Timetabling Problems.. In proceedings of APIEMS 2015. (December 2015). [Pub ID : #2307]
110 Do Vinh Truc: Portfolio Optimization Using Forest Optimization Algorithm.. In proceedings of APIEMS 2015. (December 2015). [Pub ID : #2306]