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148 results

141 Nguyen Bac Huy: Estimating the predictive error rate of a classifier using k-fold cross validation.. In proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Service Science Challenges and Opportunities of Service Industry in Emerging Economies. Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia.: (August 2013). [Pub ID : #968]
142 Truong Ba Huy: Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Age-dependent Selective Maintenance Model.. In proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Service Science Challenges and Opportunities of Service Industry in Emerging Economies. Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia.: (August 2013). [Pub ID : #967]
143 Nguyen Van Chung: Methodology to Identify Systematic Errors for Five-Axis CNC Machine Tools.. In proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Service Science Challenges and Opportunities of Service Industry in Emerging Economies. Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia. Thời gian: 20-22 August 2013: (August 2013). [Pub ID : #965]
144 Nguyen Bac Huy: DEVELOPING STATISTICAL THINKING FOR INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN COURSES DELIVERED IN ENGLISH.. In proceedings of SIOD (Statistics and its Interactions with other Disciplines). Vietnam: (June 2013). [Pub ID : #901]
145 Truong Ba Huy: Selective maintenance.. In proceedings of SIOD (Statistics and its Interactions with other Disciplines). Vietnam: (June 2013). [Pub ID : #900]
146 Nguyen Bac Huy: DEVELOPING STATISTICAL THINKING FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN COURSES DELIVERED IN ENGLISH... In proceedings of SIOD (Statistics and its Interactions with other Disciplines). Vietnam: (June 2013). [Pub ID : #899]
147 Nguyen Bac Huy: Estimating the predictive error rate of a classifier.. In proceedings of SIOD (Statistics and its Interactions with other Disciplines). Vietnam: (June 2013). [Pub ID : #893]
148 Luu Van Thanh: “Variants of 2-opt approach for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem”.. In proceedings of The 25th Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization. ISBN TE-01. Antalya, Turkey: (April 2012). [Pub ID : #4102]