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334 results

161 Nguyen Tan Khoi, Nguyen V. Anh: Suppressing interfacial water signals to assist the peak assignment of the N+–H stretching mode in sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 17: 28534--28538 (October 2015). [Pub ID : #2406]
162 Phan Quoc Khanh, Nguyen Minh Tung: Second-Order Optimality Conditions with the Envelope-Like Effect for Set-Valued Optimization Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 167(1): 68-90 (October 2015). [Pub ID : #2015]
163 J. Bleyer, Le Van Canh, P. de Buhan: Locking-free discontinuous finite elements for the upper bound yield design of thick plates International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 103: 894–913 (October 2015). [Pub ID : #1886]
164 Anukool Kietkwanboot, Tran Thi My Hanh, Oramas Suttinun: Simultaneous Dephenolization and Decolorization of Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Oil Palm Fiber-Immobilized Trametes Hirsuta Strain AK 04 Water Air Soil Pollut 226:345 (September 2015). [Pub ID : #2265]
165 Nguyen Tien Thang, Toshiaki Hatano, Said G. Khan, Kaiqiang Zhang, Christopher Edwards, Robert Harniman, Stuart C. Burgess, Massimo Antognozzi, Mervyn Miles, Guido Herrmann: Estimation of the shear force in transverse dynamic force microscopy using a sliding mode observer. AIP ADVANCES 9(5): 097157 (September 2015). [Pub ID : #2175]
166 Nguyen Phuong Anh, Jean-Pierre Raymond: Boundary stabilization of the Navier-Stokes equations in the case of Mixed boundary conditions. SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION 53(5): 3006-3039 (September 2015). [Pub ID : #1923]
167 Nguyen Phuong Thao, M. Iqbal R. Khan, Nguyen Binh Anh Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Xuan, Mohd Asgher, Nafees A. Khan, Lam-Son Phan Tran: Role of Ethylene and Its Cross Talk with Other Signaling Molecules in Plant Responses to Heavy Metal Stress. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 169: 73-84 (August 2015). [Pub ID : #2033]
168 Hung Nguyen, Tien Tran, Fukunishi, Higo, Nakamura, Le Thi Ly: Computational study of drug binding affinity to Influenza A neuraminidase using smooth reaction path generation (SRPG) method. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING (August 2015). [Pub ID : #1990]
169 Nguyen Ngoc Gia Tuong, Tran Ha Lien Phuong, Vo Van Toi, WD, Tran Truong Dinh Thao: Development of a Sustained Release Solid Dispersion Using Swellable Polymer by Melting Method Pharmaceutical Research (August 2015). [Pub ID : #1982]
170 Nguyen Dinh, T.H. Mo : Generalizations of the Hahn-Banach theorem revisited. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 19(4): 1285-1304 (August 2015). [Pub ID : #1961]