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32 results

31 Nguyen Hoang Khue Tu, Nghe Van Dat: Characterization of Antimicrobial Activities of Pediococcus pentosaceus Vtcc-B-601. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 4(5): 61-64 (May 2014). [Pub ID : #1474]
32 Niranjan Parajuli, Hung Trinh Viet, Kenji Ishida, Tong Thi Hang, Hei Chan Lee, Kwangkyoung Liou , Jae Kyung Sohng : Identification and characterization of the afsR homologue regulatory gene from Streptomyces peucetius ATCC 27952 Research in Microbiology 156(5): 707-712 (July 2005). [Pub ID : #4123]