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3 results

1 Binh Thanh Nguyen, Binh Trung Phan, Tong Xuan Nguyen, Nguyen Ngoc Vinh, Thanh Van Tran, Quang-Vu Bach: Contrastive nutrient leaching from two differently textured paddy soils as influenced by biochar addition. JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS (June 2019). [Pub ID : #4128]
2 Charmaine Ng, Martin Tay, Boonfei Tan, Le Thai Hoang, Laurence Haller, Hongjie Chen, Tse H Koh, Timothy MS Barkham, Karina Y-H Gin : Characterization of metagenomes in urban aquatic compartments reveals high prevalence of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes in wastewaters. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY (November 2017). [Pub ID : #3521]
3 Tran Thanh Tu, Shinichiro Fujimori, Toshihiko Masui: Realizing the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution: The Role of Renewable Energies in Vietnam. Energies 9(8): (July 2016). [Pub ID : #2941]