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4 results

1 Do Thi Dieu Ngoc, Đoàn Thị Minh Trinh , Nguyễn Công Trí , Nguyễn Lưu Như Quỳnh : Developing and implementing the intensive English program for non-English major students. Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City Publisher (June 2015). [Pub ID : #1955]
2 Do Thi Dieu Ngoc, Bui Diem Bich Huyen, Dinh Thi Lan : 5 Practice Tests for the VNU-EPT. Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City Publisher (January 2015). [Pub ID : #1954]
3 Varrick Douglas Jr., Tamar Douglas, Nguyen Van Thanh: First Year English - A Comprehensive ESL Reading Textbook.. Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A.: StickCape Publishing (July 2014). [Pub ID : #1680]
4 Do Thi Dieu Ngoc, Lê Thị Mai Trâm, Nguyen Hoang Phuong Mai: A complete skill builder for the VNU - EPT Test. Vietnam National University - HCMC Publishing House (December 2013). [Pub ID : #1658]