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14 results

11 Thien Trung Le, Angeli Doliente Cabaltica, Van Mien Bui: Membrane separations in dairy processing. Journal of Food Research and Technology 2(1): 01-14 (March 2014). [Pub ID : #2248]
12 Pham Nhan Hoa, Chu Quoc Thang, LE MINH THANH: Analysis of dynamic responses of inelastic structures equipped with passive control fluid viscous dampers. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology 4(2): 76-85 (February 2014). [Pub ID : #1600]
13 Angeli Doliente Cabaltica, Ianina Kopecki, Matthias Schneider, Silke Wieprecht: Assessment of hydropeaking impact on macrozoobenthos using habitat modelling approach. Civil and Environmental Research (November 2013).Vol 3, No.11 [Pub ID : #1071]
14 Pham Nhan Hoa, Chu Quoc Thang: Hybrid Structural Control of the 20-Story Benchmark Structure. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology (June 2013).VOL. 3, NO. 6, pp.654-661 [Pub ID : #961]