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Hoang Tung, Trinh Thi Truc Ly, Nguyen Giang Thu Lan, Nguyen Hong Phuoc: Resistance of Indian Shrimp Penaeus indicus to the causative agent of AHPND Vibrio parahaemolyticus Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology (4)72-79 (March 2018). [Pub ID : #3433]
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Le Ngoc Phuong Thanh, Ho Hai Co, Trinh Thi Truc Ly, Hoang Tung, Bui Thi Hong Hanh: Potential Growth Inhibition Activity Of Fecal Materials, Mucus And Cultured Water Of Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, On Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND) - Causing Pathogen, Vibrio parahaemolyticus Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology (December 2017). [Pub ID : #3453]
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Trinh Thi Truc Ly, Olav Vadstein, Ingrid Bakke: Effects of Gastrointestinal Microflora on the Growth Rate of Cod Larvae Meeting the needs through research innovation in Biotechnology 1(17): 109-118 (March 2015). [Pub ID : #2067]